Savina Residents:
Please see updates for Savina. Management’s goal is to keep an open line of communication and continually provide Residents with the most current information.

Management will be providing a weekly Social & Business Lounge Reservation Calendar update to notify Residents of dates the Social & Business Lounge is reserved. If you are interested in scheduling a Social or Business Lounge reservation or have any questions regarding requirements, please contact Lena Kayed:

For the week of Friday, December 1, 2023 – Thursday, December 7, 2023 there are six (6) events scheduled:

Social Lounge
Friday December 1, 4pm-10pm
Saturday December 2, 5pm-11pm
Sunday December 3, 5pm-11pm
Tuesday December 5, 2pm-8pm

Business Lounge
Monday December 4, 2pm-3:30pm
Thursday December 7, 2pm-6pm
Availability is subject to change

As you likely have seen the homeowner dues for 2024 will be going up around 7% per unit. While we tried to minimize the monthly increase, we are battling some costs that could not be avoided and some that simply had to be done. While I won’t go into detail here let me give some highlights for those that did not attend the last board meeting. I am always available to try and answer any specific questions and if I cannot do so on the spot I will research and get back to you promptly. Overall, our expenses are only going up 2% next year as budgeted. We were able to save some money with eliminating the access control personnel and getting a reduction in the
monthly management costs from Action Property Management. While those contributed some in 2023, they will continue to help in 2024 and beyond. Some things that are out of our control and make up significant portions of our operating budget are as follows:
1. Electric is going up 17% next year
2. Water is going up 20% next year
3. Insurance is up between 15-17% next year
4. Most contracts are being increased 3% + next year
Electric and water are substantial budget line items that we cannot control. Insurance is substantial as well and the board is looking into some options that may help minimize the projected increase, but we need to plan for the worst-case scenario at this time. Most of the increase is frankly being applied to our reserves. As you may know our reserves are underfunded relative to our reserve study recommendations. We followed the reserve study recommendations for 2024 to stop the shortfalls and work our community into a more financially healthy position. The reserve contribution increases from last 2023 to 2024 is over 28%. As we all know there have been issues in and around the property with some items that have failed or not lived as long as anticipated. These additional expenses are something we are monitoring as well and hope to recapture at a future date. We realize nobody wants to pay any more than necessary to live in our beautiful community. That being said, we need to maintain its appearance and plan for the future which is why you are seeing this increase in monthly dues.

With the Holiday season here, we know many of our residents enjoy having a real tree in their unit for Christmas. If having a tree delivered or while bring it up to your unit, please be aware of any fallen pine needles and clean it up. There will be a $150 cleaning fee for messes left behind from Christmas trees.

If you borrow a bell cart or flatbed cart from the lobby, please be sure to return it. Carts may not be left in hallways or in front of units. To help us keep track of the carts please let the front desk team member know your unit number when borrowing and returning a cart.

The December selection is “Faceless Killers: A Mystery (Kurt Wallander Mystery Book 1)” by Henning Mankell. The Book Club’s next meeting is on Monday, December 18th at 6pm in the business center.

With many holiday gifts being ordered online our package room is filling up even faster than usual! If you are expecting packages, please keep an eye out for messages from Savina to come pick them up.

• Awaiting replacement part for 3rd BBQ

• 1st and 2nd BBQ have been repaired and should light faster
• Cleaning of BBQs will be completed daily by 9am

At the end of the year, Owners and Residents are asked to make a contribution to the Staff Holiday Gift Fund to show appreciation. The suggested contribution from residents is $400 (checks only) or with an email provided we may bill your HOA account. Please note, this is only a suggested amount and any contribution made will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute, please do so by Friday, December 8, 2023. This gift will be divided amongst all seventeen (17) staff members and can be dropped off at the Management Office. Please make sure check payable is made to “Savina Condominium Owners Association” and write, “Gift Fund” in memo line. Check may be dropped off with Management or mailed to:

Savina Condominium Owners Association Attn: Gift Fund
1388 Kettner Blvd San Diego CA, 92101

This week’s pet is Kaipo! He is an Australian Shepherd-Doodle who is just a few months old. He is always happy and wanting to play. Want your pet to be featured next week? Send a picture to Lena via email at

San Diego is a wonderful city that offers plenty of fun and exciting events. Management will post some items that hopefully pique your interest and get you up and out in the city. Please see below for a list of upcoming events:
Dec 1st-31st – How the Grinch Stole Christmas – The Old Globe
Dec 2nd – Tree Lighting and Christmas Village – 4pm-8pm – Little Italy
Dec 3rd – La Jolla Christmas Parade and Holiday Fest – 11:30am-4pm – Julian Town Square
Dec 7th – Hanukah and Menorah Lighting – 5pm-8pm – Liberty Statio