COMMUNITY UPDATE | FRIDAY, September 8, 2023

Savina Residents:

Please see updates for Savina. Management’s goal is to keep an open line of communication
and continually provide Residents with the most current information.


Management will be providing a weekly Social & Business Lounge Reservation Calendar
update to notify Residents of dates the Social & Business Lounge is reserved. If you are
interested in scheduling a Social or Business Lounge reservation or have any questions
regarding requirements, please contact Lena Kayed:

For the week of Friday, September 8, 2023 – Thursday, September 14, 2023 there are (6) six
events scheduled:

Social Lounge

Friday, September 8th 4pm-9pm
Saturday, September 9th 4pm-10pm
Monday, September 11th 4pm-7:30pm
Wednesday, September 13th 6:30pm-8:30pm

Business Lounge
Sunday, September 10th 3pm-6pm
Wednesday, September 13th 5:30pm-7:30pm

      Availability is subject to change

NEW FOBS-2nd Run

Now that the elevator fob system is up and running, we have one more item that needs to
be taken care of for the community. In the beginning of the process it was promised by the
vendor Cosco that the new fobs could not be duplicated. We quickly found that not to be
the case and now they have provided the Association with a new set of fobs(at no charge)
that are completely military grade and can’t be duplicated(tested the duplication process
already). We began handing out the new fobs on Monday, September 4th at 9am. Please
note the old fobs will work for a period of 30-days before we deactivate them on October
5th. This should give everyone in the community enough time to get the new fobs.


The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Committee has a short, nine-question survey about
charging vehicles at Savina. Whether you have an EV or are looking to purchase one, the
Committee would appreciate your feedback. The responses will be crafted into a report for
the October Board Meeting. Please use this link to visit the survey:


While Savina does permit residents to have personal trainers, it is the individual resident’s
responsibility to instruct the personal trainer on the rules and regulations of the community.
While using a personal trainer you need to ensure they keep the volume down. There is no
cell phone usage in the fitness center and your personal trainer may not mark off sections of
the gym for your use only. Please remember this is not a private fitness center and use is for
everyone in a shared community.


When having large items delivered, please be sure to email Armando Herrera: to schedule the delivery. Any deliveries that are more than 5
items will be considered a move. For more information on deliveries and moves check the
Resident Portal under My Community > Documents or call the front desk.


Please don’t place any cardboard boxes in the trash chute even if they are small enough to
fit. This will jam up the chute and cause an unnecessary closure to try and get the box(es)
out of the chute.


There is signage up in the pool area that says No Smoking. Please note that this includes


The August selection is “The Wager, A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder,”
by David Grann. The Book Club is taking August off and in honor of Yom Kippur (on
September 25th) will next meet on the third Monday of September (September 18th) at 6
pm in the lobby Business Center


Residential Garage failed and will need another belt repair.


San Diego is a wonderful city that offers plenty of fun and exciting events. Management will
post some items that hopefully pique your interest and get you up and out in the city. Please
see below for a list of upcoming events:

Sep 9th – 29th Annual Taste of Gaslamp – 1pm-4pm – Downtown
Sep 10th – Surf Dog Surf-a-Thon – 8am-2pm- Del Mar Dog Beach
Sep 13th – Heart of PB Restaurant Walk – 4pm-9pm – Garnet Ave, Pacific Beach
Sep 14th – “In Wonderland” Art Auction and Dinner – 6pm-9pm – Sparks Gallery, Downtown