Savina Residents:
Please see updates for Savina. Management’s goal is to keep an open line of communication and
continually provide Residents with the most current information.
Management will be providing a weekly Social & Business Lounge Reservation Calendar update
to notify Residents of dates the Social & Business Lounge is reserved. If you are interested in
scheduling a Social or Business Lounge reservation or have any questions regarding requirements,
please contact Lena Kayed:
For the week of Friday, September 6, 2024 – Thursday, September 12, 2024, there are two (2)
events scheduled:
Social Lounge
Saturday, September 7, 10am – 4pm
Wednesday, September 11, 5pm-7pm
Business Lounge
Availability is subject to change.
Mitsubishi will be on site Monday, September 16 – Friday, September 20 to complete the
mandated elevator load testing. One elevator per day will be shut down for testing.
What does this mean for residents? Elevator times may be delayed due to only 3 elevators
running per day. Also, no move-ins, move-outs, or deliveries can be scheduled that week.
Do not leave trash in the trash rooms. If you need to dispose of trash when the trash chute is locked
or if it is too large to place down the chute, please dispose of it in the P1 trash area. All boxes
must be broken down and placed in recycling on P1.
If the trash chute door is locked and the lights are flashing, please call the front desk.
UPCOMING TRASH CHUTE CLEANING: On September 12, 2024 the trash chutes will be
locked from 8am-3:30pm for deep cleaning. During this time, please take trash to P1 or hold trash
in unit until after 3:30pm.
With hot summer days still ahead, it is likely to see more residents enjoying the pool deck. The
pool rule signs on the 4th floor have been updated. Please adhere to the following rules to ensure
everyone’s use and enjoyment of the pool area:
• No glass at any time.
• No smoking or vaping at any time.
• No pool noodles or inflatables in the pool. Only flotation devices for small children (i.e.
water wings) shall be permitted.
• Children under age 14 (at the pool) must be accompanied by a parent or responsible
person at least 16 years of age in swimming attire. Children under 7 or less than 4 feet tall
must be accompanied by a parent or responsible person in a swim suit, at all times including
in the water, on the deck and in the restroom. While in the water, the parent or
responsible person must remain within arms’ reach of the child.
• No saving Cabanas. All cabanas are first come, first serve.
• At no time shall any group monopolize the facilities.
• All pool users must pick up after themselves.
• Towels must be used and placed on all pool furniture for sanitary reasons as well as not
to soil the furniture. Any resident or guest not using a towel will be asked to retrieve one
from their unit.
• Each unit is limited to four (4) guests – no more than four (4) guests allowed. All guests
must be accompanied by the resident at all times in any amenity
This year’s Annual Meeting of the membership will be held on December 11, 2024 in the Social
Lounge. There will be three (3) seats on the Board that will need to be filled. By now all owners
should have received a candidate form. If you are interested in running for one (1) of the three (3)
seats open, you will need to submit your candidate form to Ballot Box by Wednesday, September
18, 2024 at 5pm.
Submissions should only be sent to the vendor Ballot Box via the address or email listed on the
candidate form.
Please be cautious when parking in the garage. Stay well within the white lines to allow space for
your neighbor to enter and exit their vehicle. Always double check to make sure you are parked in
the correct spot. If you have rented a parkade spot for a guest or yourself, please be sure to remove
your vehicle after the reserved time frame.
The deadline has been extended to sign-up to perform in the Savina
Resident and Staff Talent Show! If you would like to perform or have
questions, message your fellow Savina resident, Arlene, at 646-734-8923.
Not much of a performer? Registration to attend the show is now open!
Please join us on Friday September 20, 2024 at 7pm in the Social Lounge
for an evening of music, comedy, surprises and a special guest star! Light
Snacks, Popcorn, Beer, Wine & Soft Drinks will be provided.
RSVP by Monday, September 16, 2024
In order to confirm your reservation, we will be collecting a $10.00 per person deposit for this
event. This will be refunded to you when you sign into event. If you are a No Show or cancel after
September 16th, then you will forfeit the deposit. In order to confirm your reservation, please
bring a check for $10.00 per person to front desk. (If you are an owner and would like to charge
this to your account, please check the box on the below registration form).
Are you looking to meet up with a fun group? The Book Club at Savina is for you! Members select
books on a round-robin system (which makes adding new members easy), and we get together
monthly (usually at 6 PM on the last Monday of the month).
Join us at our next meeting, September 30th, at 6 PM in the Business Center. The book we’ll
discuss is “Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect” By Benjamin Stevenson. Hope to see you
Clean and Safe has been petitioned to trim and lace the exterior trees to help keep them healthy.
Also, Management has requested for the trash cans back near the trolley tracks to be replaced due
to corrosion from rust and trash fires
• 9/12/24 8am-3:30pm: Trash chute cleaning
• IRX working on wood touch ups in Lobby
• IRX completed touch ups in Social Lounge and Spay/Locker room area
San Diego is a wonderful city that offers plenty of fun and exciting events. Management will post
some items that hopefully pique your interest and get you up and out in the city. Please see below
for a list of upcoming events:
Now – September 8th – Del Mar Horse Races – Del Mar Thoroughbred Club
September 7th – October 31st – Fall Fest at Belmont Park – Belmont Park
September 6th – 8th – Padres v. Giants – 6:40pm, 5:40pm, 1:10pm – Petco Par