Savina Residents:
Please see updates for Savina. Management’s goal is to keep an open line of communication and
continually provide Residents with the most current information.
Management will be providing a weekly Social & Business Lounge Reservation Calendar update
to notify Residents of dates the Social & Business Lounge is reserved. If you are interested in
scheduling a Social or Business Lounge reservation or have any questions regarding requirements,
please contact Lena Kayed:
For the week of Friday, November 15th, 2024 – Thursday, November 21st, 2024, there are four (4)
events scheduled:
Social Lounge
Friday, November 15, 5pm – 11pm
Saturday, November 16, 5pm – 11pm
Monday, November 18, 5pm – 11pm
Business Lounge
Sunday, November 17, 1pm-4pm
Availability is subject to change.
We are starting to see cigarette butts being thrown off balconies again. This is a serious health
and safety issue that can cause damage to other residents’ property as well as harm pets and
When using the community printer please limit your printing sessions to a maximum of 25 pages.
The ink in the new printer has already been replaced and paper is going quickly. The community
printer is intended for resident personal use rather than for large business documents. Help your
association save money by reducing paper usage!
Personal Trainers need to ensure that they are not disturbing other residents while they train their
clients. This includes attempting to section off portions of the gym and the volume at which they
use to train their clients.
Carpet extraction cleaning will begin on Monday, November 11, 2024. Residential hallway
carpets will be cleaned starting on the 36th floor. Two floors will be cleaned each day Monday-Thursday with the 2nd floor being completed on December 12, 2024. Cleaning will take place each
day from 10am-2pm. Residents will still be able to access their hallway as normal, but it is
possible the sound of the machine will be heard from inside residential units.
The lobby carpets, Social Lounge carpets, and management offices will be cleaned overnight on
Monday, December 16, 2024. Please view the schedule in the mailroom bulletin board.
The tentative schedule would be as follows:
West Side: Monday December 2nd – Wednesday December 4th
North Side: Thursday December 5th – Monday December 9th.
East Side: Tuesday December 10th – Friday December 13th
South Side: Monday December 16th – Wednesday December 18th.
Thursday December 19th and Friday December 20th: Exterior midrise, 4th and 5th floor pool
deck and community areas, and ground floor.
Join us for Savina’s Annual Holiday Soiree in the Social Lounge on Thursday, December 12, 2024
from 6pm-9pm! Mix and Mingle with your neighbors, enjoy delicious bites from Four Seasons
Catering and sip on your favorite holiday beverage from our full bar! To add to the ambiance, we
will have live music from talented jazz musician Alejandro Godoy Enrich. We can’t wait to spend
this special evening with you!
RSVP by December 4th to ensure we have enough holiday cheer to
go around! Max 2 adults per unit.
In order to confirm your reservation we will be collecting a $25.00 per
person deposit for this event. This will be refunded to you when you sign
into event. If you are a No Show or cancel after December 5th (date we
turn our guarantee into caterer), then you will forfeit the deposit. In order
to confirm your reservation, please bring a check for $25.00 per person
to front desk. (If you are an owner and would like to charge this to your account, please check the
box on the below registration form).
Savina’s Social Committee is looking for additional volunteers to help with the planning and
execution of resident social events. Your time commitment would be attending a monthly
committee meeting and being available to help with the shopping, set-up, clean-up for social
events. Social committee typically holds 6-8 events per year. Please reach out to Jabbear or
Armando if you are interested in joining the committee and they will put you in touch with Sylvia
Harrison. You must be an owner to officially join the committee, but if you are not an owner and
want to volunteer your services to help out on the event day, you can do that as well.
At the end of the year, Owners and Residents are asked to make a contribution to the Staff Holiday
Gift Fund to show appreciation. The suggested contribution from residents is $400 (checks only)
or with an email provided we may bill your HOA account. Please note, this is only a suggested
amount and any contribution made will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute,
please do so by Thursday, December 5, 2024. This gift will be divided amongst all seventeen (17)
staff members and can be dropped off at the Management Office.
Please make sure check payable is made to “Savina Condominium Owners Association” and write,
“Gift Fund” in memo line. Check may be dropped off with Management or mailed to:
Savina Condominium Owners Association
Attn: Gift Fund
1388 Kettner Blvd
San Diego CA, 92101
The Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. The official notice of the
meeting has arrived during the 1st week of October, followed by the official ballot during the 1st
week of November. The candidates listed on the ballot are as follows:
Michael Strahan
Jon Weber
Mike Harrison
Robert Bulger
3 seats will be filled at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
Are you looking to meet up with a fun group? The Book Club at Savina is for you! Members select
books on a round-robin system (which makes adding new members easy), and we get together
monthly (usually at 6 PM on the last Monday of the month, though sometimes we change it for
the holidays). Does it sound like fun? Join us at our next meeting, November 25th, at 6 PM in the
Lobby Business Center. The book we’ll discuss is “Horse” By Geraldine Brooks.
• New cable box for community room
• IRX working on wood touch ups in Lobby
• Jacuzzi repaired
San Diego is a wonderful city that offers plenty of fun and exciting events. Management will post
some items that hopefully pique your interest and get you up and out in the city. Please see below
for a list of upcoming events:
November 6th – December 31st – How The Grinch Stole Christmas – The Old Globe
November 17th – Holiday Makers Market – 11am-3pm – Andaz, F St
November 15th – 17th – Susan G Komen 3-day Cheering Station – 8am – Del Mar Village