Effective at 10:00PM on Tuesday, March 17th, all on-site common area amenities will be closed until further notice. This action is being taken to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. Any reservations for the Social Lounge will need to be rescheduled and/or postponed. Please contact the management office to arrange for the return of any rental fees or damage deposits.
In addition, the following protocols and steps are built around recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Here is what you should know:
To clarify, these are the amenities that will be closed:
- Pool and Spa Area
- Grill and Bar Area
- Fitness Center & Yoga Terrace
- Wet and Dry Sauna
- Social Lounge and Outside Terrace
- Business Lounge
- Pet Grooming Station
- Bike Repair Station
The Pet Retreat will remain open.
Identification of Potential or Actual Infections
If you have or potentially have been infected by the COVID-19 virus, please notify General Manager, Jabbear Swinton by phone or email. Management will respect your privacy and identity, but will be able to take steps to assist you and to implement precautionary and preventative measures for the community as a whole.
The following criteria has been provided by the CDC for identifying at-risk persons. If any of the following conditions apply to you, please inform your Management Team:
• You have traveled within the past 14 days to any of the CDC Risk Level 3 countries, which currently include:
o China
o Iran
o South Korea
o Europe
• You know that you have been in direct contact with a person who has contracted COVID-19
• You have symptoms of the COVID-19 infection and you do not have a diagnosis from a medical professional. Symptoms include:
o Fever
o Cough
o Shortness of Breath
• You have a confirmed diagnosis from a medical professional for a COVID-19 infection
Management Response to Identified Residents
Direction from the CDC is that anyone who fits the above criteria should be quarantined for at least 14 days. If you or anyone in your household fit this criteria, please self-quarantine in your home, or if possible, in another location.
If anyone in the building needs to be quarantined, please follow the following guidelines:
• Notify the Management Office of any need to leave your unit and when you will return. If possible, a 30 minute notice will be helpful. Our team will take steps, if possible, to arrange for an isolated elevator for you to use. We can also take steps to disinfect and sanitize any portions of the building that might
be affected in the path of travel.
• For refuse disposal, please schedule with Management Team to leave refuse bags outside your door. We will arrange for disposal.
• Coordinate with the Management Team for deliveries, packages and groceries that you may have arranged. We will deliver to your floor and leave the items outside of your door. Please do not retrieve these items until we have left the area.
• Note that our Management Team will not enter any units where there is a quarantine. If there is an emergency, we will follow the CDC guidelines.
All residents are encouraged to call or email the Management Office or the Front Desk instead of coming in-person whenever possible, as we want to all do our part to maintain social distancing and limit the risk of infection.
We understand that if you are under quarantine, this may be a time of heightened anxiety and concern for you. We will do all we can to be helpful and compassionate about your situation. At the same time, we want to take precautionary and preventative steps to protect other residents and our team in an effort to avoid the spread of infection – and so that our team is able to continue supporting all of our residents.
These are quickly changing times and we will keep you updated as new information arises and if protocols need to be changed or augmented.